
Office Address

Near P.T.C. Road, Hazaribag, Jharkhand, INDIA

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+91 6546 263015

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Forestry Development

Forestry Development

With the support of JTDS nine community forest management communities were established in Bundu and Arki Blocks. The program also supported establishment of nurseries and on-site nursery research. The program also financed group farm forest activities, including establishment of trees, bamboo, medical plants and sisal planting. Three SHG has been provided with teak & amorphophallus which has been planted in 3 acre and timber plant to nine SHG which has been planted in 9 acre.

  • Under the food security scheme Annapurna card and Antodaya cards has been allotted to all the families
  •  Birsa Aawas and Indira Aawas have been allotted
  •  Job cards has been allotted to the families under NREGS
  •  Regular health check up camps in PTG villages
  •  Livestock development-Oxen, Duck and hen were provided for livestock rearing
  •  18 thousand fingerlings have been stocked in PTG villages
  •  Seed support given for agriculture and horticulture
  •  Fruit and wood plants has been done in 5 PTG villages
  •  Lac cultivation initiated as other means of earning from the forest species
  •  8 members from PTG family got govt. job with the help of District Office & JTDS
  •  All the childrens of Aman Buru are enrolled in schools and Aganwari Centre

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